» WebStuff

Alles was mit web oder coden zu tun hat.

Simple CountDown

I have created a super simple JavaScript countdown. You can switch to Dark mode (top left) and set the date (top right)

MODX processing elements explained

I tried to visualise how the different MODX elements correspond with each both.

MODX – Workshop

You will install MODX from scratch, and learn how to use its different elements to build a fully featured web solution including: closed user groups and a customizable product manager, including online shop & basket, which you can, in the future, extend and re-use in just two days.

FormItLog – my first official MODX extra

Feels good, more will follow!

Run MODX, WordPress and Redmine on NGINX EC2 micro AIM

I'm using amazon web services now for a while and was wondering, if it's really necessary to host my sites on a Small Instance So I came across NGINX web server which is famous for it's performance and low resource usage. So here how to run, MODX, WordPress and Redmine with NGINX on a amzn-ami-2011.09.2.i386-ebs (ami-b4b0cae6) micro AIM instance.

MODX FormLog hook to store formIt data in a jSon

Hook to store FormIt data to jSon

MODX SuperBoxSelect For Dummies

Add one of these sexy multi select boxes to custom MODX manager.

IE9 jQuery Radio checked issue

I just spend 4 hours to read a simple radio selection via jQuery in IE9 from the following form.

Search Engine Sphider – web crawler

I was looking for a easy and simple way to crawl multiple web-sites and build a search catalog.

UBUNTU EC2: Add new admin user

I’m sure there are plenty of articles describe how to add/create a new user on a UBUNTU EC2 instance. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a simple one so i decided to create this post more for my own reference. I assume you already have a UBUNTU EC2 instance (in my case 10.04.2 LTS ami-6afa8438 ) with a valid key […]

Dynamic google map markers via simple jSon file

Simple example on how to add dynamic marker to google maps including geo location lookup and store them in a jSon file.

PHP Simple Comments Read/Write jSon data to text file

A few days ago i had to build a simple comment form. First i thought about MYSQL etc, but this all seems to be too complicated. So i came up with a simple solution based on jSon and a TXT file.

The cloud of the people.

Who owns the internet

WordPress mootools accordion menu

Code Example

Web 2.0 wird Politisch

Die Zukunft der Demokratie

6 minuten vor der totalen überwachung

Wir werden sehen wie sich das entwickelt.

WWW the number of the Beast ?

Okwieder mal eine Verschwörungstheorie.

DasBlog Trackback Pingback spam remover

Trackbackund Pingback services sind ja im grundegenommen, eine gute sache, doch wie meistenswerden sie nicht immer fuer das benutzt fuer was sie eigentlich gedacht sind. so hatteich das problem, das sich tausende von trackback und pingback urls zu irgend welchenscheiss seiten auf meinem blog eingetragen hatten. den service habe ich danndeaktiviert, doch wie werde ich nun die tausenden von urls in meinem blog los?

Second Life Virtuelle Bombe

Was für eine verückte Welt

Sex Sells

Nackte tatsachen

“Hacked by Godzilla” .ms32dll.dll.vbs

Was für eine Sch....e

Blog Update

Ich fand endlich ein wenig Zeit meinen blog auf Vordermann zu bringen.

DasBlog ist super

Habe es entlich geschafft ein eigenes theme zu erstellen.

Maps auf dem Handy

doch mal was brauchbares :)

Boeses Internet

ja ja jetzt hat es auch mich erwischt!